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Lake Huron Water Level Information

February 28th 2019 Lake Level Erosion Informational Meeting

From the meeting announcement flyer, topics include:

  • Government Disaster Declaration Process & PA 390 Issues
  • Soil Erosion Permit Process
  • Flood Insurance Information
  • Flood Mitigation Strategies
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Current Lake Huron water level chart compared with previous year

Use mouse/touch to move slider image, in chart below, left/right to compare current with previous charts

Current chart is left of the slider, previous years chart to the right


The water level charts above are provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers - Detroit District

Current Lake Huron water level chart compared with high water year (2020)

Use mouse/touch to move slider image, in chart below, left/right to compare current with previous charts

Current chart is left of the slider, previous years chart to the right


The water level charts above are provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers - Detroit District